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Saturday, 2 November 2013

Free Download Laptop Repairing Videos Course

Free Download Laptop Repairing Videos Course

Now a days the business of computer and laptop repairing is spreading popularity  , the technicians of computers and laptops are earning  a huge amount of money with their professional skills  ,if you  really want to be professional technician of  computers and laptops  and  want to earn huge amount of money  , we are going to share a professional  bundle of  laptops repair videos .we have you will like these videos and give your positive feedback.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Free Download Search Engine Optimization video tutorials

Search Engine Optimization video tutorials

 SEO Simply  stands for search engine optimization .Search engine optimization(SEO ) can be defined as it is  a an important  methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics that is usually  used to increase the amount of visitors to a website  or blogs . According to the Wikipedia ,There are two major types of search engine optimization(SEO), First one is white hat search engine optimization (legal), and other one is black hat (illegal). 

Monday, 26 August 2013

Free Download AutoCAD Training videos

AutoCAD training videos

AutoCad can be defined as ,it is a (CAD) stands for computerized design  program or software that is purely used for 2-D and 3-D design and drafting. Auto Cad is first developed and marketed by an IT company named as Autodesk Inc. 


Sunday, 25 August 2013

Free Download JavaScript Training Videos

Learning JavaScript Programming

JavaScript can be defined as it is a programming language that is used to make web pages interactive. JavaScript programming language runs on your visitor's computer and there is no need to require any constant downloads from your website or blog. JavaScript programming language is often used to create polls and quizzes for schools and colleges.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Free Download Python Training Videos

Python programming language

Python programming language an other achievement of language builders Experts,Python  programming language can be define as it is an interpreted, object-oriented (oop) and high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, Python programming language is also use as for scripting or glue language to connect existing components together.

Free Download Adobe illustrator CS6 Training Videos

Adobe Illustrator CS6 Training Videos

According to the Wikipedia Adobe Illustrator short from     ( AI) is the most important industry standard tool  usually use for  vector drawing and illustration, used by a wide variety of creative professionals including editorial illustrators, identity designers, textile and pattern designers and so on .
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Friday, 23 August 2013

Free Download jquery Training videos

Usually jQuery is not a language, but it is a well written JavaScript code, for further explanation of j Query, it is a fast, small but feature-rich JavaScript library. The main propose of  j Query is  to makes  things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax  etc much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.


Thursday, 22 August 2013

Free Download HTML5 Training Videos

Hi friends , welcome an other videos training course   today we are going to post HTML5  training videos .Now a days  HTML5 programming language   is the newest hyper text markup language for websites from the World Wide Web Consortium .  In 2011, HTML5 programming language  was released and people quickly started writing about it and using it, world programmers declare an estimation  that  HTML5 will the power web programing language in future .

Free Download Php with Mysql Training Videos

Php with Mysql Training Videos

Usually PHP is stands for  Hypertext Preprocessor and it is an open source, server-side, HTML embedded scripting programming language used to create dynamic Web pages. Now a days  this popular programming language is more secure as compare to others programming languages  thousand of programmers or students  are learning  this language because today the demands of market is only this language.

Free Download Computer forensics Training Videos

Computer forensics Training Videos


Computer forensics is also called cyber forensics .it can be defined as Computer forensics or cyber forensics is an important  application of investigation and analysis techniques to gather and preserve evidence from a particular computing device such as hard drive ,Ram etc  in a way that is suitable for presentation in a court of law.

Free Download Android Application Training Videos

Android App Programming training videos

Hi friends ,In this Android Application Programming training videos course, the  author of this course will teach you how you can make android application step by step  according to the required latest skills .After completion of this course.I hope you will be a master and an expert of Android App Programming and can easily earn a lot of money online through Google Play, if you really want to be a an expert Android Application Programmer don’t waste your time now download this course and enjoy……
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Sunday, 7 July 2013

Download Typing Master Project in C#

Now a  days when a beginner computer user ask a question about , how to increase my typing speed? to someone senior computer user ,the answer of that senior always that use Abc typing master  but it is a premium software  and  you need a serial or registration key for this software  for getting these

Download Computer Management System Project in C#

Download Computer Management System Project in C#
usually,we manage all the computer's internal and external  functions by clicking and pressing different option and buttons on different location  ,such as for ejection of CD or DVD we click a button present on CD or DVD ROM ,Take another example .if we want to shutdown a PC we first  go  to start

Friday, 5 July 2013

Download key logger project in c#

 keylogger project in c#

What is key logger?
According to the Wikipedia ,key logger can be  define as it is an hidden  application or software(software key logger) and may be the small  hardware attachment small hardware attachment t keyboard(hardware  key logger)the main objective  of these key logger is to capture  the  whole working or

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Thursday, 4 July 2013

Download IP Related Information Checker Project C#

Hi friends ,once again i welcome you  to another post related to c# windows    projects,Today i am going to share a another little but interesting c# window application that is totally related to networking ,we know networking is a very fast field ,by the help of this field we can easily communicate with our friends
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Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Download Tic Tac Toe game project in C#

Tic tac toe game
Hi friends, welcome to another post of c# game projects ,the project that i am going to share that is Tic tac toe game it is  also know as  Nougats and crosses game or   Xs and Os game ) usually it is a paper and pencil game it can be play by  two players, X and O, in  Tic tac toe  game who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Download c++ books in Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil and Urdu languages

Hi Friends, we come to another post of our blog related to c++ books as we know that Hindi,Gujarati,Tamil and and Urdu are the popular languages   of South Asia ,we also know that today era is the era of computer and technology because of this the art of programming is spreading  in every corner of the world

Monday, 1 July 2013

Free Download C++ Books In Arabic Language

Hi Friends, as we know that Arabic language  is one of the most ancient,important  and popular  language  of world ,specially in middle East countries and its surrounding areas ,we also know that today era is the era of computer and technology because of this the art of programming is 
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Sunday, 30 June 2013

30 C++ Programming Books Free Download


Dennis Ritchie the founder of Unix (os)  was a  an American computer scientist, In the early days of 1970, Dennis Ritchie was busy in a project to create a new operating system (OS) in bell laboratories .it was a very difficult for Dennis Ritchie to create  (OS) ,in order to

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Linked list Programming exercises in Data structure

 Linked list  Programming
Example :1
Make Menu and perform the following operation by the help of singly linked list?
Create a link list. (The list should be Dynamic and should stop only when the user wishes to end the creation of the list).

  • Ask User to enter  a  desire  node and  as a result the program will delete that node from the list.
  • Take a node from the user as input and insert that node after the desired node provided by the user.
  • Take an identification of a node as input  from the user and search that
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Saturday, 22 June 2013

Download Linear Algebra Lectures and Tutorials

linear algebra
Major Topics List

  •  Complete Explanation of  Matrices .
  •  Complete Explanation of  Systems of Linear Equations .
  •  Complete Explanation of  Row Reduction and Echelon Forms.
  •  Complete Explanation of Vector Equations .
  •  Complete Explanation of Matrix Equations .
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Download Discrete mathematics Lectures and Tutorials

Discrete mathematics
Major Topics List
  •     Complete explanation of LOGIC with Examples .  
  •     Complete explanation of TRUTH TABLES with Examples .  
  •     Complete explanation  of LAWS OF LOGIC with Examples .  
  •     Complete explanation of BI CONDITIONAL with Examples  . 
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