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Saturday 4 February 2017

Live : Event Tracking experiments with GA


Tuesday 7 January 2014

How work with Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) in Visual C# .net

Develop an application that displays a blank chess board in the form of 8x8 squares. The board should allow the user to click on any square. Upon the click it should display the clicked position as the current position of a knight piece and also display the positions that could be its possible moves in reference to the current position.

How use DataGridView with NumericUpDown control in visual c#.net

1)      Develop an application that allows user to add or remove student information to/from Master list by fulfilling following requirements:

a.      Provide following four input fields for student information (Detail portion):
Student Name, Registration Id, Phone Number, Gender (use ComboBox).

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How use RadioButton, ComboBox, CheckBox, ListBox & GroupBox in Visual c#.net

visual c#.net tools
c# .net

Develop an application with one screen that calculates the monthly salary of an employee. Your application should satisfy the following requirements:

1.      Make sure you use all of the following components:
Label, TextBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, CheckBox, ListBox, Button, GroupBox

2.      Employee Name: (TextBox)

3.      Employee Grade Level: (ComboBox)
Director, Manager, Project Manager, Programmer

4.      Basic Salary: (RadioButton)
30,000, 40,000, 50,000, 100,000