Topics List
- What are Compilers ?
- what is Typical Compilation ?
- what is Two-pass Compiler ?
- what are Abstract Syntax Trees?
- what is Register Allocation ?
- what is Instruction Scheduling?
- what is Three-pass Compiler?
- what is the Role of Run-time System?
- define Lexical Analysis?
- How to Describe Tokens?
- what is Table Encoding of FA ?
- how to construct NFA and DFA?
- WHAT is DFA Minimization?
- how to Running the Scanner?
- what is Parsing ?
- what is Syntactic Analysis?
- what are Parse Trees ?
- what is Ambiguous Grammars?
- define and explain Top-Down Parser?
- what is Predictive Parsing ?
- what is The LL(1) Property ?
- how LL(1) Table Construction is done?
- what is Bottom-up Parsing ?
- define and explain Shift-Reduce?
- what are Handles?
- How LR Table Construction is done?
- what are Shift/Reduce Conflicts?
- Define and explain Parser Generators?
- Define and explain Beyond Syntax?
- Define and explain Evaluation Methods?
- Define and explain Implementing Ad-Hoc Scheme?
- Define and explain Intermediate Representations?
- Define and explain IR Taxonomy?
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